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South Africa...

It is essential for lovers of wide open spaces, adventure and nature, animals, photos and images.

10,000 km from France, another hemisphere, it's a unique journey that is being prepared.

Don't want a tour operator?

IWINDI offers to help you organize your trip (flight, accommodation ...)

From the airport, we will accompany you and guide you on the ground in small groups of 6 people maximum in order to privilege a quality of services on a selection of original points of interest.


Travel craftsman ...

"I am not a tour operator or travel agent. I define myself as a travel craftsman.

When people contact me, we discuss their wishes together. I have a travel plan, which I adapt according to the desires of my clients.

During the two weeks of the trip, on site, I manage the logistics: I am a guide, driver, interpreter, etc ...

My clients are often passionate about adventure and great landscapes. I make discover the South Africa of South Africans, off the beaten track, by staying in lodges or with locals. "



Do you have a travel plan?

Do you want information about our activity?

Do not hesitate to contact us !

Thank you for what you sent !

Publication manager: Philippe Lorric

IWINDI - 493 Kergoff Uhella 29880 Plouguerneau - tel +33 629523628 - Siret 509 351 862 00040 - VAT FR 48 509351862

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